Become A Funnel Fixer

  • Can't find work?
  • Hate your job?
  • Want more time with your family?
  • Living from paycheck to paycheck?
  • Want to make your family proud?
  • Can't go back school?

Click Here To Register for a FREE FunnelFixerTM Masterclass

I was knew my career was going nowhere, but I couldn't afford to quit and go back to school.

I could always find another job in the same career, but that wouldn't get me any further ahead. You could call that fairly stable employment, but I think I was a bit of a disappointment to my family. With the big crash of 2008, I spent 2009-2011 doing CRAP jobs trying to turn things around.

I couldn't miss a paycheck, and I had no opportunity for advancement, and I was thirty.

I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I managed to turn that all around.

It was hard work and unfortunately for me I had to FIGGERRIDOUT ALL BY MYSELF.

YOU don't have to do it alone! I can tell you the mistakes I made and the problems they caused so YOU don't have to make them yourself!


I'd like to show you how I FIGGERRDIDOUT, got paid while learning and changed my life... how I found and chose the slow and boring, but 40 or less hours per week, way to make six-figures per year.

I make way more actually doing the development than I do training.

So UNLIKE these vloggers and marketers who shoot a video next to some Lambo they rented or found parked on the street and promise you how to make A GAZILLION DOLLARS with their training and are clueless, PEOPLE PAY ME TO ACTUALLY DO IT!

I'll show you the EASY WAY to make a great living as a FunnelFixerTM and give you the optional HARD STUFF if you want to make the big money on API work.

I'm no Bill Gates, but I have no loans or debt of any kind, I bought my car outright, and live in a townhouse in a city with my wife and two kids. Instead of getting chewed out for blowing $50 on a video game, I get chewed out for blowing $1000 bucks on a BBQ and patio set.

I know these are rather underwhelming things to brag about, but if these things sound good, then Click Here To Register for a FREE upcoming FunnelFixerTM Masterclass

HERE'S THE THING THOUGH: I did it working exclusively for businesses that were making seven figures per year.

More importantly, I did it after seeing inside the shopping cart accounts of all these online clowns. I found out THE TRUTH:

Loads of these guys rent a $250,000 car for a couple grand... or a multi-million dollar house for a day... and PRETEND IT'S THEIRS so they can make ONE facebook video. It's sad, because they get to write it off as a business expense.

Let me show you that your basic computer skills are enough to become a FunnelFixerTM, and START GETTING PAID WHAT YOU'RE WORTH - FOR FREE!

Click Here To Register for an upcoming FunnelFixerTM Masterclass

What is a FunnelFixerTM? What would I do, and why would people pay me?

I make people RICH. I look at their online business, then show them ways to improve every part of what they do.

Get on-track for a lifelong career as your own boss! It's the best solution for people who don't have time for retraining, and a sensible one for those who do!
You can start your own web design company and be open for business in just DAYS!

Whether you're a college graduate struggling for experience or someone looking for a way to enjoy semi-retirement, we're all looking for a way to make money and enjoy life.

Becoming a FunnelFixerTM offers you the independence of making your own hours while still paying your bills as well as the safety-net for when you find yourself in too deep.

You get all the information you should be taught in college, but didn't, including:

  • The easy way to make sites
  • How to generate leads
  • How to turn leads into clients
  • How to keep motivated
  • Make secure e-commerce sites
  • Get paid while you're NOT working
  • How to handle billing painlessly
  • and so much more!

We all learn best by doing.

It's such a rare thing to find someone who is highly skilled as a teacher but also knows that people don't always have time for theory.

Be prepared to get on your feet quickly and start making money!


Frankly, if you can find a traditional spare time job that pays $30+/hr then I'll eat my hat.

If you want to make some extra cash and not have to spend more time away from home and commuting, there's no better answer than to become a FunnelFixerTM.


Because you can outsource part or all of the work for passive income, or you can even get that teenager in the house to start helping to pay the bills!


Fifteen years ago, having a website was a luxury or a status symbol.

Now, a website is a necessity for keeping any business afloat.

With our help, learn how to tap into that market, set your own prices, and realistically stay very busy earning anywhere from $30-$50/hr for work you don't even do yourself!

Join Me Live For FREE And Discover How Becoming a FunnelFixerTM Can Change Your Life!


    View Yesterday's Recording Now
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