Here's The FunnelFixerTM Proposal For You:
If you're here, it's because you've already had some help from me.
You probably got my DOES MY PAGE SUCK? checklist so that you can build a site to get freelance clients.
You might have bought the Eat Your Boss' Lunch ebook or video series. If you did, you saw how to get more of those clients to get your freelance business going.
Now I have an offer to help you KEEP those clients, charge more per hour, and get more hours from each client!
When I started freelancing, I didn't have anyone I could ask for help. There were no courses I could take to build a profitable freelance business, and I still don't think there is one OTHER THAN THIS ONE!
I had to make my own mistakes and make my own discoveries, but here I am, scars and all, ready to SHOW YOU!
I Call It The:
FunnelFixerTM Fundamentals Course
For Technical Freelancers
Becoming A Freelancer Is Easy...
Breaking The $70k Barrier Is Tough
My success is atypical. That should be obvious since I'm teaching the skills that made me more valuable to my clients. When I was a freelancer:
- My clients made me the ONLY tech working on their seven figure businesses
- Handling the launch of the #3 book in the Amazon Hot New Releases Diets & Weight Loss section
- Scripting 100% of the order fulfillment emails for another author who was #5 on the New York Times bestseller list in the Sports section, and #1 and #2 in the Exercise & Fitness section of Amazon's Hot New Releases
- The only tech handling a launch that had $400,000USD in revenue in two and a half weeks
- All of that was IN THE SAME MONTH.
I got there by working my ass off and working SMART. I can teach you what I did, and how I did it, but unless you put in the effort and actually call these clients and do the work, you are setting yourself up for more of the same and losing time and money. That's your risk, and by law I have to tell you that.
But I WANT to help you:
- I BLASTED past the $70k/yr Barrier -
And Then My Freelance Business Ended in one of the best possible ways.
I was just shy of being four years in, back in 2014… when my biggest client sat me down.
He said that even with the help of my developers on staff he was stuck. He said that on a typical week he’d get maybe four hours on a Monday, and then two hours on a Tuesday, nothing on a Wednesday, and maybe six hours on the Thursday and that wasn’t going to cut it.
His solution was to buy out all 40 of my hours every week in perpetuity.
The day I accepted I officially went from having occasional months where I was making five times what I made in support to making five times what I made in support EVERY SINGLE MONTH.
You might be thinking, Dan... If you're doing so well... Why do you want to help me? I'd be living on a beach...
No One Would Help Me, So I Want To Help You!
Unfortunately, because my career was a dead end, I started my tech support job just after turning 30. It took me about 8 months to realize that if I stuck around for 3 to 5 years and I got lucky, then maybe, just maybe, I'd become a supervisor.
If that lucky break came to be, I'd make an extra dollar fifty per hour.
When that sunk in, I knew I had to find another way to pay my bills, and keep my wife.
So I turned our customers into beautiful clients who don’t care about your education or age because they already know YOU can do the work!
And EVERY time I freelanced, I made over double per hour what I made at work.
My Freelancing Really Worked Out
I made more money in my spare time than I did working 42½ hours per week at my job, so I quit.
I figured out how to avoid wasting time arguing about billing with my clients... (did you think of that?)
I figured out how to stop clients from stealing my finished work without paying... (important, right?)
I figured out how to get paid for clients who I stopped working with... (five figures per year worth)
What's My Trick?
It's Not A Trick...
There are about 10 of them...
- How not to get cheated by dishonest clients
- How to make sure your clients respect your time and don’t call you in the middle of the night or expect you can just drop everything
- How to accept credit cards online and pay lower transaction fees as you become more successful.
- How I went from paying my merchant account enough to buy a big screen TV EVERY MONTH to the price of a case of beer!
In your FIRST YEAR of freelancing this should save you the HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS.
#2 How To Learn What You Need Without $200 Textbooks
- How to find what you need to know quickly and stay on top of your industry.
- How to find the valuable basics of web designs or even the ultra-expensive info that people don’t share because it’s too valuable.
- What the main programming languages do so you know how to google those problems, who to hire, or what to study to do it yourself.
Don't spend thousands on college textbooks that are obsolete in five years...
#3 Funnel Hacking
- How to rip off and duplicate.
- How to find out what the competition is doing.
- How to find out how they are doing it.
- How to do this for your customers so they look at you like you’re a genius.
- What are the major systems that people use to run their online businesses and the most common funnel structure
- How to close sales on web pages.
#4 FunnelFixingTM
- How to fixing a broken funnel.
- How to make the right offers for each stage in the customer experience
- How to split test and the tools you use to do it.
- How to use the ‘Does My Site Suck’ checklist to make sure you know the parts of a page that make or break it.
- How to go from being a typical freelancer to being the ‘secret ninja’ that your clients trust with their lives.
#5 People's Strengths, Weaknesses, And How To Hire Or Outsource For A Perfect Team
- Knowing ALL of the major roles in EVERY EFFECTIVE 7,8,9 or more figure company, and how NOBODY has the personality for all of them.
- Keeping to your passions and skills and outsource your weaknesses.
- Spotting the holes in any 7+ figure company's team and patching them.
- Get PAID for better results instead of DIY and looking like an ass.
- Sample interview questions to make sure they have the skills they claim to have.
#6 Building GREAT Sites In Minutes
- How to buy a domain and create a site.
- How to make it look great on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone.
- How to build sites without coding.
- How to find professional quality photos so your site and pages don’t look like trash.
- How to save tens or hundreds of hours or thousands of dollars on your site.
#7 The Secrets Of How To Advertise Properly, and Other Mistakes That Break Businesses
- Why so many small businesses give up on advertising, leaving their competitors to walk all over them.
- How to keep perfectionism on a tight leash with the right team members.
- How to balance labor costs with monthly subscription costs from software
- How to properly spend advertising money.
- How to track your traffic and let it inform your marketing decisions
#8 Freelancing Anywhere in the World, Tax Strategies For Freelancers, Where to Incorporate and Why, And Building Wealth By Splitting Income And Retirement.
- Tricks that you can use yourself as you become more successful.
- Tricks you can tell your clients on how to reduce their tax burden to help their bottom line.
- Keep Uncle Sam from double dipping.
- How you can live the dream in another country or continent.
- How I got my effective tax rate on six figures as low as 5% by living abroad...without having the IRS on your ass...
#9 Passive Income
- How to make money from your clients even after you don't work with them anymore.
- What it means to be a referral partner or affiliate.
- How to get paid every time you recommend a service.
- How to avoid costly miscommunication with affiliate managers.
- How I've seen people make $100k in a week, and I’ve made TENS OF THOUSANDS for myself.
#10. When To End Relationships With Toxic Clients and Bad Employees
- How to educate your clients so that they don't have unrealistic expectations.
- How to find that tough balance of which clients to take better care of.
- How to get paid better as you get busier.
- How to tell when a client it's costing you more than it's making you.
- Keeping the line between employer and employee clear, so you don't lose tens of thousands on lost hours.
You Are Probably Thinking Two Things RIGHT NOW
- ‘Wow, I wouldn’t want to figure that out myself, and I can tell this guy has actually done this and I see why he makes six figures doing this.’
- Each one of these lessons will empower you to replace your income as a freelancer and quit your job sooner, and ensure that you feel great about doing it too.
because if that's what you wanted to do, you'd do it already....
Look… There are other programs out there that teach how to code or how to do online marketing, but this is specifically tailored for you so you can do what you already do, and ramp up your profits with these simple add on skills… WITHOUT spending months or years in school.