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I'm sure that will help you stick it to your boss and go private, but I WANT TO HELP YOU EVEN MORE!
Once again, here's the obligatory fine print. It was on the free offer too. All marketers are required by law to make what's called an 'income disclaimer'. That's what this is. Any type of business will fail if you put no time or effort into it, and I'm just like anyone else in that I can't force you to do the work, like actually calling your clients, billing them and so on. I put in the work to do that myself, and so I've now made more money as a developer and funnel consultant than I have from when I started my first job at 14 to the day I quit my Tech Support job at age 31. That's atypical, so I'm legally required to say so. It's kind of mindblowing that I have to put this here even though the offer on this page is FREE, but the law doesn't have to make sense. Anyways, if you do what I say you will definitely risk your time, and there are costs involved in starting and expanding your business. I'm not a lawyer or a financial consultant, and only those licensed to be in the professions should be consulted for legal or financial advice. Whatever that means.